
alex prager.


"Prager creates iconic voyeuristic images of women steeped in sometimes hypnotic, sometimes classic Hollywood cinematic moments. Her women wear retro costumes and obvious polyester wigs with fake gigantic eyelashes and eerily perfect make-up. The poses are staged to create an even further thriller feeling. These are Barbie Dolls about to be lost to some horrific ending. The influences of Hitchcock and David Lynch are evident yet not that they are mere replications or rip-offs. It's the lighting that makes her photography so fantastic. She manages to capture the intricacies of a dark night coupled with the vivid foreground of a car's overhead bright light. The two create a disturbing scratchy awareness of impending doom.

The works are a series of narratives with a sense in each of more story that what is seen. (...) There are missing frames between but a disquieting relationship exists between the pieces. A French jump cut, maybe, but certainly La Nouvelle Vague. There is a subconscious dismissal of landmark cinematic form, an abundance of childlike iconoclasm and evident Godard deep focus.

Prager got into photography at the age of 20 after visiting a William Eggleston exhibition at The Getty. It is even more flooring to know she is self-taught. There was no formal training for Prager. The images are pure raw talent."

Malibu Arts Journal

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